There is an increasing demand for the work of interior furnishings designers

We have noticed recently that more and more people are thinking of asking for the help of an interior furnishings designer for the practical and aesthetic furnishing of their home or property. While it used to be customary for the client to know much better what they need, what their needs are, now more and more people realize that a professional interior furnishings designer is capable of miracles.
From experience, we say that many of our clients watched the end result with their mouths open, and even noted that we had implemented ideas that they would not have thought of even in their most daring dreams.
But of course, in order to make all these dreams come true, we need to get to know them. This is precisely why it is important to reconcile the ideas in advance since only with this knowledge can we surpass the dreams.
It is widely believed that it is the interior furnishings designer who furnishes homes. In reality, however, it is much more complex than that.
The interior furnishings designer fills the existing spaces with colour, life, finished furniture and decorative elements.
In order to do this perfectly, a professional interior furnishings designer must have the proper spatial vision, sense of shape and style, and product knowledge.
And that is still not enough! They need to keep their knowledge and knowledge of materials up to date on a daily basis since design product companies appear almost daily with new products and materials.


Lehet, hogy ez most különösen hangzik, de valóban rendelkezni kell pszichológiai ismeretekkel. Egy lakberendező, ahogyan az előzőekben már bemutattuk, kiválasztja a színeket, a bútorok stílusát, esetleg a függönyök, szőnyegek anyagát, mintáját. De! Egy lakberendező egy érzést közvetít, egy stílust teremt meg, és egy hangulatot varázsol az adott otthonba, környezetbe. Ehhez ismerni kell az ügyfél elképzeléseit, habitusát, igényeit. Álmokat valósítunk meg, tehát tisztában kell lennünk azzal, hogy az ügyfelünk mekkorát álmodott. És most teljesen mindegy, hogy egy otthonról, egy irodáról egy üzlethelyiségról beszélünk, ezekt az álmokat nem csupán ismerni, de némiképp irányítani is szükséges. Vannak esetek, amikor bizony kissé vissza kell húzni ezekt az elképzeléseket a realitás talajára, de természetesen olyan is előfordul, hogy kissé szabadabbra kell engedni a fantáziát. Nos, ehhez mindenképpen szükség van egyrészt megfelelő kommunikációs képességekre, másrészt valóban nem haszontalan, ha van némi pszichológiai ismeret is.
It is the task of the interior furnishings designer and us to make the client’s ideas come true, to make them feel comfortable, and to make the result stylish and preferably reflecting their individuality. And since no two people are alike, this is no simple task.


In short, if you want an interior space that is aesthetically, homely, practically and perfectly suited to function and ideas in every respect. And whether it is a home environment or a business environment, this need can arise in many situations. We would like to highlight a few of them in bullets, without claiming completeness, as quasi brainstorming.

  • you wish to have the interior space designed in the case of a newly built property or a new office or business premises;
  • you are to start planning a home renovation;
  • you have an existing flat, house, office or business premises and would like to rearrange it because you are not satisfied with the current furnishing and atmosphere.

So it is important to emphasize at the end that in the case of new construction or renovation, we absolutely recommend the involvement of an interior furnishings designer already in the design phase.